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Copy paste entire worksheet with InputBox

I have this code and I am trying to do a simple task, which apparently it is not so simple to me. I want to say to vba which sheet to copy (here the functionality of the InputBox, where I insert the sheet name) and then, if exists (ie if the name is correct) perform the copy paste in the sheet20, if it does not exist, go to exitmysub.

Now, I have two problems:

1) It does not copy paste. Or at least, not always. Sometimes yes, sometimes not. And I really dont understand why (I always put the correct sheet names)

2) Even if the name is correct, the code runs the msgbox ("Invalid Sheet Name"). While I wantthat it triggers only if the sheet name I put does not exist.

Thank you for you help!

Option Explicit

Dim text As String, ws As Worksheet

Sub copyentiresheet()

text = InputBox("Write here the Local Deposit Sheet you want to update", "Update Local Deposit Monitoring")

On Error GoTo exitmysub
Set ws = Sheets(text)


MsgBox ("Invalid Sheet Name")

End Sub

Try this...

Option Explicit

Dim text As String, ws As Worksheet

Sub copyentiresheet()

text = InputBox("Write here the Local Deposit Sheet you want to update", "Update Local Deposit Monitoring")

On Error GoTo ErrorMySub
Set ws = Sheets(text)
ws.Cells.Copy Sheet20.Range("A1")

Exit Sub

MsgBox ("Invalid Sheet Name")

End Sub

Copy Entire Sheet


  • InputBox VBA Help: If the user clicks Cancel, the function returns a zero-length string ( "" ).
  • If the sheet's CodeName is wrong, the code won't compile. No error handling necessary.
  • Use the With Statement to avoid declaring unnecessary object references.
  • Refer to a workbook using CodeName.Parent to avoid wrecking yourself about choosing between ActiveWorkbook , ThisWorkbook or workbook by name.
  • Exit Sub before (in between) error handlers.

The Code

Option Explicit

Sub CopyEntireSheet()

  Dim text As String

  text = InputBox("Write here the Local Deposit Sheet you want to update", _
      "Update Local Deposit Monitoring")

  If text = "" Then Exit Sub ' If the user clicks Cancel.

  Sheet20.Cells.Clear ' If sheet's code name is wrong, code won't compile.

  On Error GoTo SourceSheetErr

  With Sheet20.Parent.Worksheets(text)

    On Error GoTo RangeErr
    .Cells.Copy Sheet20.Cells

  End With

Exit Sub

  MsgBox "Invalid Source Sheet Name."
Exit Sub

  MsgBox "(Copy) Range Error."

End Sub

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