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From Typescript to Javascript

I have a ts code that was translated in js and now i want to use instantiate objects from the generated js code but i am having the error "object" not defined.

For example the class in ts look like this:

class Person{
    name: string;

    constructor(name: string){
        this.name = name;

And the generated js:

class Person{    
        this.name = name;

now to used the object Person i did something like this:

var bob = new Person("bob");

But i am getting the error: Person is not defined .

 class Person { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } var bob = new Person("bob"); console.log(bob); 

So your class declaration and the code that references it are in different files (from your comments).

Hence, you should require the class to use it like this:

const Person = require('./Person.js')

And in the file with the class declaration you should export it like this (in the end):

module.exports = Person

The above is node module syntax. Google "browser modules" if you work on browser code.

But the real question: Why you work on .js files when you have .ts ones? With TS you could use modern modules syntax . And it would work in browser or in node, if your TS configured properly.

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