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Avoiding callback hell in promises using nodejs

I have written about a half a dozen functions in nodejs using promises, i want really post all of that code, instead i will post a simulated example , so i can encapsulate my problem succinctly. so say i have 2 functions below:

foo = () => {
    return new Promise( ( r , rj ) => {
       setTimeout( () => {
       }, 3000 );


bar = () => {
    return new Promise( (r , rj) => { r('ALL DONE !') } )

Now i would like to avoid the callback hell and do the following:

foo().then( (resp) => console.log(resp) ).bar()

Instead what i am forced to do is this:

foo().then( (resp) => { console.log(resp); bar() } )

So basically in my production code i have something like the below, so far(just to give you an idea):

let uploadToVault = ( INPUT_DIR , VOLT_CRED ) => {


    volt_APILogin().then( () => {
        volt_getProduct().then( () => {
           volt_CreatePresentation().then( (resp) => {
                volt_uploadSlides().then( (resp) => {
                    volt_bindSlide().then( (resp) => {

Now how can i write this in more a chain format vs writing this in a callback ?

The idea would be to always return a promise:


    .then(() => {
        return volt_getProduct();
    .then(() => {
         return volt_CreatePresentation();
    .then((resp) => {
         return volt_uploadSlides();
    .then((resp) => {
         return volt_bindSlide();
    .then((resp) => {
         return Promise.resolve('just for fun');
    .then((resp) => {
         console.log("This round is", resp);

Then, if there are intermediary values you need to use down the chain, just collect them to variables outside the chain.

A tip is to check out the async/await syntax. It basically makes it possible to write asynchronous code that looks like synchronous code.

So, if you have this function:

bar = () => {
    return new Promise( (r , rj) => { r('ALL DONE !') } )

Then you can call it like this:

let fizz = async () => {
    const result = await bar();
    console.log(`Bar said: ${result}`);

For error handling, you would wrap your awaiting function calls in a try-catch block:

    try {
        const result = await bar();
        console.log(`Bar said: ${result}`);
    } catch {
        // Handle the error

Check out this link for more info: https://javascript.info/async-await (Or just google "js async await" and you will find tons more :))

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