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How to clear text input?

I've been trying to fix this issue for a while now, none of the existing questions help. I'm using the node implementation of Selenium WebDriver , version ^4.0.0-alpha.1 and testing it on Chrome using the latest ChromeDriver.

I'm trying to clear the text of an <input/> , whose type="email" . WebDriver has a built in command for this, but when I execute it the input doesn't clear (and there's no error):

// This populates the text field, no problem

// This is executed without error, but nothing happens, text field isn't cleared

I can't use the CTRL + a & BACKSPACE method since I'm using a Mac and it would be CMD + a . And ChromeDriver has had (still unresolved) issues supporting the native OSX CMD button input for like 6 years, according the various threads I could find.

I could also do something like loop BACKSPACE inputs until it's cleared, though that's pretty hacky.

Any ideas on why .clear() is silently not working?

我有同样的问题, .clear() 或 CTRL+'a' 对我不起作用,这个工作得很好:

driver.execute_script("arguments[0].value = '';", text_input)

What seems to be working for us is to:

  1. Use JavaScript to execute the select() method of the <input> element.
  2. Then use Selenium WebDriver to send a BACKSPACE key.

Here's a clear function that will do just that:

async function clear(drv, web_elt) {
  await drv.executeScript(elt => elt.select(), web_elt);
  await web_elt.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE);


  • drv is an instance of WebDriver
  • web_elt is an instance of WebElement
  • The anonymous function in executeScript is stringified and receives the <input> element wrapped in web_elt as a parameter

Find below a demo and the full code for it.

This is running on Node.js 11 with selenium-webdriver v4.
Make sure your chromedriver is in your PATH then run node index.js


// index.js
const path = require('path');
const wd = require('selenium-webdriver');
const {Key} = wd;

const driver =
  (new wd.Builder)

async function clear(drv, web_elt) {
  await drv.executeScript(elt => elt.select(), web_elt);
  await web_elt.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE);

async function run(drv) {
  await drv.get('file://' + path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'));
  await drv.sleep(1000);
  await clear(drv, drv.findElement({css: 'input'}));
  await drv.sleep(1000);
  await clear(drv, drv.findElement({css: 'textarea'}));
  await drv.sleep(1000);
  await drv.quit();

<!-- index.html -->
      <input type="text" value="Hello World!"/>
      <textarea cols="30" rows="10">Hello World!</textarea>

From Webdriver document, findElement will return a promise, so you can try:

  .then((el) => {
  .catch(e => {
    throw e; 

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