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Highcharts sankey diagram, series color

How to make the series color identical to the data color?

In the example, the "imbalance" data is red, but the series is colored blue.

Highcharts.chart('container', {

    title: {
        text: 'Highcharts Sankey Diagram'

    series: [{
            colors: ["#90CAF9", "#F44336", "#1565C0"],
        keys: ['from', 'to', 'weight'],
        data: [
            {name: "prop-1", color: "#90CAF9", from: "prop-1", to: "transition", weight: 0},
            {name: "prop-2", color: "#90CAF9", from: "prop-2", to: "transition", weight: 4.14},             
            {name: "imbalance", color: "#F44336", from: "imbalance", to: "transition", weight: 0.6},
            {name: "prop-3", color: "#1565C0", from: "transition", to: "prop-3", weight: 4.74},
            {name: "prop-4", color: "#1565C0", from: "transition", to: "prop-4", weight: 0},
        type: 'sankey',
        name: 'Sankey demo series'


Example: https://jsfiddle.net/s3xnm5v8/


Update Understood. It is necessary to use Nodes. https://jsfiddle.net/p4f21w7e/

The key thing to realise is that there are two ways to colour your chart:

  • The series colours (series[].colors) will colour the nodes.
  • The series data (series[].data[].color) colour your flows.

Take a look at this example:

 series: [{
    colors: ["#880000",  "#AFAFAF",  "#008800", "#000088", "#ffb238", "#ffee37"],
    data: [

        {color: "#BB0000", from: "Red", to: "Colour Demo", weight: 10},
        {color: "#00BB00", from: "Green", to: "Colour Demo", weight: 4},                       {color: "#0000BB",  from: "Blue", to: "Colour Demo", weight: 6},
        {color: "#ffb238", from: "Colour Demo", to: "Orange", weight: 10},
        {color: "#ffee37",  from: "Colour Demo", to: "Yellow", weight: 10}


The nodes are coloured using the series colours in the order in which they are rendered (left to right, moving down). So, in this example:

  • "Red" first (using series[].colors[0])
  • Then "Colour Demo" (which uses series[].colors[1])
  • Back to Green (series[].colors[2])
  • Down to "Blue" (using series[].colors[3])
  • Then over to Orange (series[].colors[4])
  • Finally Yellow (series[].colors[5])

The flow itself is coloured as per the associated color for that data point, so this is a straight forward association.

You can use the 'colors' property of the sankey series type.


series: [{
    keys: ['from', 'to', 'weight'],
    data: [
        {from:'Brazil', to:'Portugal', weight:5},
        ['Canada', 'Portugal', 1 ],
        ['Canada', 'France', 5 ],
        ['Canada', 'England', 1 ],
        ['Mexico', 'Portugal', 1 ],
        ['Mexico', 'France', 1 ],
        ['Mexico', 'Spain', 5 ],
        ['Mexico', 'England', 1 ],
        ['USA', 'Portugal', 1 ],
        ['USA', 'France', 1 ],
        ['USA', 'Spain', 1 ],
        ['USA', 'England', 5 ]
    type: 'sankey',
    name: 'Sankey demo series',
    colors: ['#00796B', '#ff0000', '#00ff00','#0000ff']


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