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Can't use props when passing { t } (from i18n-react) to stateless component

I have the parent component that has the state:

class RecordEdit extends PureComponent {
    state = { 
        allRecordData: {},
        changelog: [
            {hello1: '1'},
            {hello2: '2'}

It tries to render its child and pass the prop to it:

<div className='cards-container'>
    <ChangeHistory recordEditHistory={this.state.changelog} />

And the ChangeHistory component tries to map over the received prop to render a list of elements:

const ChangeHistoryCard = ({ t }, props) => (
  <CardOuterContainer recordEditHistory={props.recordEditHistory}>
    <h1>{t('История изменений')}</h1>
      props.recordEditHistory &&
      props.recordEditHistory.map(item =>
        <p>{t('Последнее изменение')}: <span>[22.11.2018]</span></p>
export default withNamespaces()(ChangeHistoryCard);

For some reason, the component always thinks that the recordEditHistory prop is undefined. But if a click on it in the inspector, I can see that the value has been passed successfully:


I don't understand the problem. Can it be because I use i18n and using withNamespaces does something with props or...? I have to idea how to approach this problem.

IMPORTANT: { t } is from i18n-react, I use it to translate the interface to English and back. I tried removing it completely and it didn't help.

EDIT : I tried removing the { t } method and removing withNamesSpaces() HOC from the export and it all works now. But now i can't use i18n-react in this component :(

I think the problem is with the component params:

const ChangeHistoryCard = ({ t }, props) => ();

Should be:

const ChangeHistoryCard = (props) => ();

the signature of functional component only get props


Conceptually, components are like JavaScript functions. They accept arbitrary inputs (called “props”) and return React elements describing what should appear on the screen.


const ChangeHistoryCard = ({ t }, props) => ();


const ChangeHistoryCard = (props) => ();

So, if you read the second edit, you would know that if I remove i18n from the component completely, it all seems to work.

That's great, but I really wanted the i18n to stay, so I found a better way:

Instead of passing { t } to the component, you can import 'i18next' and call t as a method of that.

So this:

import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';

const ChangeHistoryCard = ({ t }, props) => (
  <CardOuterContainer recordEditHistory={props.recordEditHistory}>
    <h1>{t('История изменений')}</h1>
      props.recordEditHistory &&
      props.recordEditHistory.map(item =>
        <p>{t('Последнее изменение')}: <span>[22.11.2018]</span></p>
export default withNamespaces()(ChangeHistoryCard);

Becomes this:

import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
import i18next from 'i18next';

const ChangeHistoryCard = (props) => (
  <CardOuterContainer recordEditHistory={props.recordEditHistory}>
    <h1>{i18next.t('История изменений')}</h1>
      props.recordEditHistory &&
      props.recordEditHistory.map(item =>
        <p>{i18next.t('Последнее изменение')}: <span>[22.11.2018]</span></p>

export default withNamespaces()(ChangeHistoryCard);

Thay way i18n stays in place, while props remain untouched and usable.

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