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How to use *ngFor and *ngIf in Angular?

Here I have three div which are rendered using *ngFor , a div has an image , imageName and imagesize .

When the imageName extension is wrong (see third div ) or has no extension (see first) I want to disable the button's dblclick . How can I do that?


 <mat-card *ngFor="let imagespayload of uploadedImagesObj" (click)="activeFolder=imagespayload"

  <div *ngIf="getExstendsionIfNotExtension(imagespayload.imageName);else noExtension">
    <img [src]="http://localhost:3000/{{imagespayload.urloffolder}}/{{imagespayload.imageName}}" style="height:40px;width:40px">

    <h5>No Extension of File..</h5>
public getExstendsionIfNotExtension(image) {
  if(image.endsWith('jpg') || image.endsWith('jpeg') || image.endsWith('gif') || image.endsWith('png') || 
    image.endsWith('tiff') || image.endsWith('tif') || image.endsWith('pdf')) {
     return true;

Personally, I'd handle whether or not the event actually does anything in the event handler itself. Thus, I'd write the following:

  <mat-card *ngFor="let imagespayload of uploadedImagesObj"
    (dblclick)="preview(imagespayload.folderid, imagespayload.imageName, imagespayload.urloffolder)">

    <div *ngIf="hasPreviewableExtension(imagespayload.imageName);else noExtension">
public preview(folderid, fileName, urloffolder) {
  if(!this.hasPreviewableExtension(fileName) {

  // Your code here.

public hasPreviewableExtension(fileName) {
  const suffixes = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'tiff', 'tif', 'pdf'];
  return suffixes.some(suffix => fileName.endsWith(suffix));

Note that I did change the names a bit, because this is not only about images, but also PDF files.

In your TS file :

public getExstendsionIfNotExtension(image) {
  return image.endsWith('jpg') || image.endsWith('jpeg') || image.endsWith('gif') || image.endsWith('png') || 
    image.endsWith('tiff') || image.endsWith('tif') || image.endsWith('pdf')

In your template file :

 <mat-card *ngFor="let imagespayload of uploadedImagesObj" (click)="activeFolder=imagespayload"

  <div *ngIf="getExstendsionIfNotExtension(imagespayload.imageName)">
    <img [src]="http://localhost:3000/{{imagespayload.urloffolder}}/{{imagespayload.imageName}}" style="height:40px;width:40px">

  <ng-template *ngIf="!getExstendsionIfNotExtension(imagespayload.imageName)">
    <h5>No Extension of File..</h5>



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