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What is the difference between “(…);” and “{…}” in react?

I am getting error shown in image for the below code:

handlechange(event) {
    this.setState (prevState => {
      checked : !prevState.checked

But when I changes round brackets after "return" into curly, it runs fine. I mean what's happening under the hood? What causes the error to go away?

handlechange(event) {
    this.setState (prevState => {
      checked : !prevState.checked


This isn't a React thing. Your first example is just invalid JavaScript syntax.¹ Your second example is valid syntax, returning an object created via an object initializer (often called an object "literal," {checked: !prevState.checked} ).

¹ The () after return wrap an expression, and then within the expression you have checked: !prevState.checked which looks like a labelled statement. But you can't put a labelled statement where an expression is expected.

Side note: Another way to write that is to use property destructuring in the parameter list and a shorthand property in the object initializer:

handlechange(event) {
    this.setState(({checked}) => {
      checked = !checked;
      return {checked};

In the case that is working correctly, you are returning a JavaScript object (defined by the curly braces). That appears to be what you want to do, given the property-colon-value notation you are using, but the curly braces are required to signify the object in JavaScript.

    key: value

is a legal object definition, but

    key: value

is not.

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