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Extending Visual Studio getting ProjectItem or IVsHierarchy based on file path

I'm trying to build an extension for Visual Studio 2017, the idea is to automatically include files that are created in a certain folder on disk (using a FileSystemWatcher), any changes to folder names and/or filenames should also be reflected (included) i the Project.

I've looked around for an existing extension without any luck.

After working on this for a while I'm quite close to a solution but the current approach that I have for removing items from the Solution Explorer when file/foldernames are changed/deleted does not scale when the solution is bigger (have many files in it). My current approach is to use the root IVsHierarchy and process it recursively and then find a file/folder based on the "canonicalName". This means that I have to scan the solution each time i need to find a folder. The solution is inspired by this code https://www.mztools.com/articles/2014/MZ2014007.aspx

I started out with using Project.ProjectItems but this collection would sometimes just contain a "root" folder ie with these files on disk


The only ProjectItem that I could find was /Test/, this does not work if I need to remove /Test/Folder1 ie. The approach with IVsHierarchy gave me all the folder and the implementation works but are slow.

So, my question:

Is there a way to get a reference to a ProjectItem based on the full path of the file/folder on disk? So that I don't have to iterate over all items in the solution to find my ProjectItem and slow down everything. It would also work with a reference to a IVsHierarchy that I can use to get the ProjectItem.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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