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React component not rerendering when props changes

Here are my 2 React components - Parent and Child

class ParentComponent extends Component{

    /* consultations comes from redux store 
    and looks like { consultation_id:123, date:10/12/2013 } */

        <ChildComponent consultation={consultation} />

class ChildComponent extends Component{


My problem is that I have certain actions that modify the consultations object. For eg: the props.consultation.date changes in the parent component, but the child component does not re render to show the latest consultation date.

However, I noticed that if I send each item in the consultations object to the child component like <ChildComponent date={this.props.consultation.date} /> it rerenders when the date changes!

Any idea why React does not re-render components when props sent as an object change?

I could always do with the work around but wondering if this is a bug or am I missing something?

You should definetly add the key prop with consultation_id to the child element. React can have problems rerendering elements without a key prop!

The solution is to change consultation={consultation} to consultation={...consultation}. I am still unsure why, but it works!

When you map over an array of items, you need to pass a unique key prop to each item. This signals to react which element is which.


_.map(this.props.consultations, consultation => {
  return (

The details you specified says that you change the date of same object~consultation in parent component and you parent component is getting the data as props. Now if you mutating the same consultation object it won't make component re-render.

consultation.date = /* some other date */;

it'll not re-render the component.

But if you change the reference of the object like:

newConsulationData = { ...consultation }
newConsultationData.date = /* some other date */;

It'll work fine.

In your scenario you might have trouble as you directly mutating the props array object, and passing the same array so I suggest you change the reference of consultations array: You'll need to

 newConsulations = [ ...consultations ];
 newConsultations[index of consultation].date = /* some other date */;

This should solve your problem. When working with react try not to mutate the objects if you want to re-render the component on the changes .

I think it may be related to data type.

The first approach is passing an Object to child component,

<ChildComponent consultation={consultation} />

the second approach is passing a String to child component.

<ChildComponent date={this.props.consultation.date} />

When the property date of the object consultation is changed, the object's index is not changed. I think react is referencing an object by its index. Object returns an index not the exact value. The index is the specific address where object is stored in memory. But a string or boolean or number returns the value directly.

I think react is comparing object by index, and comparing string by the value. In the first approach, index does not update, so re-rendering is not happening.

The third approach extracts the object properties with spread symbol.

<ChildComponent consultation={...consultation} />

I think react is referencing the property itself in this approach, as each property is extracted. It's no longer referencing the object, so re-render works.

(I used a few I think statement here, as it's just my guess. Still need official documents to support.)

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