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Python or Node.js for a Web app which interfaces with a USB devices?

I'm looking to develop a web app that controls Concept2 rowing gym equipment connected to the users computer via USB. I'm trying to decide what approach I should take in developing something like this.

Control of these devices has been achieved in the past both in python: ( https://github.com/uvd/PyRow ) and using node/jQuery: ( https://github.com/tijmenvangulik/ErgometerJS ).

An SDK and documentation is provided by the developers of Concept2 gym equipment. DLL and CSafe commands are used to interface with the machines monitors. ( https://www.concept2.com/service/software/software-development-kit )

I'm looking for recommendations on how I should this tackle this project. At the moment python seems like the best approach however I have no idea how I can run these python files through a website interacting with the java script front end.

Any advice or pointers is appreciated.


You task looks like a simple SCADA solution with web interface.

You choice depends on whether you have experienced developers, who are able to use modern frameworks like Vue.js , Angular , React and others or not.

Really, in your particular case - monitoring equipment over web, you don't necessary need to invest a lot in your front-end - depends on your target audience. Is it a single service engineer? If yes , probably your front-end should be minimalistic, you can use Python with Twisted for static web server and build your frontend on bootstrap plus jquery . This is a fast win solution and you can implement it even if you've never worked with web.

More complex approach, requiring more engineering, is Python + Flask .

If you feel ready for modern frameworks, like Vue, React, Angular, then, possibly, you'd better look at NodeJs as a backend. They are better integrated with NodeJs and its package manager npm . You will need it to build the project on your server side; also some people treat it as a solid solution, when using the same language ( javascript ) for both backend and frontend. As for me, it doesn't really matter a lot.

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