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how to add cloudinary parameters to upload plugin in Trumbowyg

I am using the trumbowyg editor in my project. From the documentation, I know that I can use the following code to set the image upload content of the editor.

    btns: ['upload'],
    plugins: {
        // Add imagur parameters to upload plugin for demo purposes
        upload: {
            serverPath: 'https://api.imgur.com/3/image',
            fileFieldName: 'image',
            headers: {
                'Authorization': 'Client-ID xxxxxxxxxxxx'
            urlPropertyName: 'data.link'

this works fine with imgur but I want to use cloudinary server instead of imgur .

could anyone please guide what I have to do with plugins:{} when using cloudinary ?

also I'm using dropzone.js with cloudinary to upload image and this is also working properly. here is dropzone function code:

Dropzone.autoDiscover = true;
var myDropzone = new Dropzone(document.getElementById('image-upload'), {
  clickable: "#image-upload #btn-add",
  uploadMultiple: false,
  autoProcessQueue: true,
  parallelUploads: 10,
  maxFilesize: 9,
  maxFiles: 10,
  url: 'https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/demo_project/image/upload',
  addedfile: function(file) {
    // console.log(file);
    new Noty({
      type: 'success',
      text: "Uploading...",
      timeout: false
    // myDropzone.processQueue();
  success: function(file, response){
    new Noty({
      type: 'success',
      text: "Uploaded!",
      killer: true
      public_id: response.public_id,
      url: response.url,
      secure_url: response.secure_url
    newImageArrayJSON = JSON.stringify(newImageArray);
    $("#image-upload .image").html('<img src="' + response.secure_url + '">')
    $("#image-upload #btn-add").hide();
    $("#image-upload #btn-remove").show();
myDropzone.on('sending', function (file, xhr, formData) {
  formData.append('api_key', 112233445566778);
  formData.append('timestamp', Date.now() / 1000 | 0);
  formData.append('upload_preset', 'mypreset');

Thanks in advance!

I would advise starting with the following basic implementation which I tested and worked for me:

    btns: ['upload'],
    plugins: {
        upload: {
            serverPath: 'https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/demo_project/image/upload',
            fileFieldName: 'file',
            urlPropertyName: 'data.secure_url',
            data: [
                {name: 'api_key', value: '112233445566778'},
                {name: 'timestamp', value: Date.now() / 1000 | 0},
                {name: 'upload_preset', value: 'mypreset'}
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (error) {

You can log in to your Cloudinary account and modify your upload preset to restrict uploads based on different conditions, the same as you do with dropzone.js , for example to only allow uploads of specific formats etc.

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