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iOS Pinch Zoom Start from Previous Scale

I want to do a pinch/zoom having the zoom start at the current scale. I have tried the following code:

@objc func pinchedView(recognizer:UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {

    if (recognizer.state == .ended)  {
        lastScale = 1.0

    let scale = 1.0 - (lastScale - recognizer.scale)
    let zoomInAction = SKAction.scale(to: cameraNode.yScale + scale, duration: 0.25)
    lastScale = recognizer.scale

The problem is that it keeps getting smaller and smaller no matter which way I pinch. How can I correct this?

I think you might instead want to initialize lastScale to 1.0 when your gesture begins.

Look at the accepted answer to this question.

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