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If statement doesn't work / Javascript / Jquery

I don't why my website doesn't go through the if statement. The objective is to display an image when I click a button, but it gets stuck. If anyone could help I would be very happy :D

function showllum() {
        $.get('llum.txt', function(data) {
            if (data === "Llum") {
                    $('#showdada').prepend($('<img>', {
                            id: 'llumpng',
                            src: 'llum.png'

            } else if (data === "Molta Llum") {
                    $('#showdada').prepend($('<img>', {
                            id: 'moltallumpng',
                            src: 'molta llum.png'


                } else if (data === "Poca Llum") {
                        $('#showdada').prepend($('<img>', {
                                id: 'pocallumpng',
                                src: 'poca llum.png'


                    } else if (data === "Fosques") {
                            $('#showdada').prepend($('<img>', {
                                    id: 'fosquespng',
                                    src: 'fosques.png'



You need to add a dataType - http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/

$(document).ready(function() {
        url : "helloworld.txt",
        dataType: "text",
        success : function (data) {
            if(data === '*'){...}

But even if you change to this, you won't get results from a localdrive, you'll need an actual http server to serve the static textfile. Please check the network requests and update here what response you get.

In addition to the carriage return in the string that was causing the original problem (which is fixed with data.trim() ), your code can be simplified since there's a pattern to your logic - each case clears the showdada element and then prepends an image using the pattern src = `${data.trim()}.png` in lowercase and then the id removes all spaces and periods from the src :

function showllum() {
  $.get('llum.txt', function(data) {
    const src = `${data.trim()}.png`.toLowerCase();
    $('#showdada').prepend($('<img>', {
      id: src.replace(/[ .]/g,''),

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