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How can i submit a form in PDF by using Javascript?

Is it possible to reference a Form or a Button on a PDF using Javascript? What I am trying to do is to write Javascript code that will submit a form, or if not that, click a Button of my choice that submits the form.

The problem I have here is that I don't know how to reference the button or the form in Javascript.

So is there a way to achieve this?

In Acrobat JavaScript, you can not execute "click a button" as an action.

Instead you execute whatever the MouseUp event of that button has assigned. If it is a function, execute the function, if it is some lines of JavaScript code, execute those lines.

In any case, you will need a trigger event. When you have specified it, the rest is straightforward.

I also strongly recommend to have a good look at the Acrobat JavaScript documentation.

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