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How to display Codecov.io badge in GitHub README.md?

As mentioned in the title, how can I add a Codecov.io badge resembling the coverage of my project?

There is nothing stated about this in the Docs from Codecov.io.

Thanks in advance.

Go to https://codecov.io/gh/<your-organisation>/<your-project>/settings/badge , here you can see your badges ready to be copied.

Or just navigate to your project and go to Settings -> Badge .

Step-by-step guide to get your Codecov.io badge:

  1. Go to Settings section


  1. Click Badge section


  1. Click Copy under Markdown section


After a long search and Try-n-Error i was able to find something which implicitly helped finding it out.

The way to implement a Codecov.io badge with your current Coverage ist the following :


<a href="https://codecov.io/github/<Your Organization/Acc.>/
<img alt="Coverage" src="https://codecov.io
/github/<Your Organization/Acc.>/<YourRepo>/coverage.svg?branch=master">

In Markdown:

[![codecov.io](https://codecov.io/github/<Your Organization/Acc.>/<YourRepo>/coverage.svg?branch=master)]
(https://codecov.io/github/<Your Organization/Acc.>/<YourRepo>?branch=master)

This Solution expects that you host the project on Github and that you upload the coverage reports.

Navigate to https://app.codecov.io/gh/your_organization/your_repository/settings/badge (replace the placeholders in the link) and copy the code they show you there (there's HTML, markdown and RST). You need to get it from there because there's a unique access token for it.

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