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Laravel 5.5 BelongsToMany with pivot conditions

I have three models, Clinic , Department and ClinicDepartment and has belongsToMany relation called departments from Clinic to Department using ClinicDepartment 's table as pivot table, but when i using this relation, scopes from ClinicDepartment not aplying in query.

I decided to make Pivot model calling ClinicDepartmentPivot and apply those scopes to Pivot, but no luck.

Clinic model:

class Clinic extends Model
    use SoftDeletes, ActiveOnly, HasParent;

    public function departments()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Department::class, 'clinic_departments', 'clinic_id', 'department_id')->using(ClinicDepartmentPivot::class);

Department Model:

class Department extends Model
    use SoftDeletes, ActiveOnly;

    public function clinics()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Clinic::class, 'clinic_departments', 'department_id', 'clinic_id')->using(ClinicDepartmentPivot::class);

ClinicDepartmentPivot Model:

class ClinicDepartmentPivot extends Pivot
    use ActiveOnly, SoftDeletes;


class ActiveOnlyScope implements Scope
    public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
        $builder->where($model->getTable() . '.is_active', true);

So basicaly I want to apply global scopes to Pivot model, so when I trying to get Clinics of Department, it should check - is ClinicDepartment has is_active = 1 and not deleted.


My scope traits looks like this:

trait ActiveOnly
    public static function bootActiveOnly()
        if (!Auth::guard('admin')->check() && strpos(request()->getRequestUri(), 'admin') === false) {
            static::addGlobalScope(new ActiveOnlyScope);

Can be used by any model.

You are missing something here:

To assign a global scope to a model, you should override a given model's boot method and use the addGlobalScope method

Laravel Docs on scope

Your models should look like these:

class Clinic extends Model
    use SoftDeletes, ActiveOnly, HasParent;

    protected static function boot()

        static::addGlobalScope(new ActiveOnlyScope);

    public function departments()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Department::class, 'clinic_departments', 'clinic_id', 'department_id')->using(ClinicDepartmentPivot::class);

class Department extends Model
    use SoftDeletes, ActiveOnly;

    protected static function boot()

        static::addGlobalScope(new ActiveOnlyScope);

    public function clinics()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Clinic::class, 'clinic_departments', 'department_id', 'clinic_id')->using(ClinicDepartmentPivot::class);

Okay, with some workaround I am finally found working solution that do not looks scrappy)

public function clinics()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Clinic::class, 'clinic_departments', 'department_id', 'clinic_id')
            ->where(function (Builder $query) {
                $query->where('clinic_departments.is_active', 1)

Actual query is looks like this:

select `clinics`.*, `clinic_departments`.`department_id` as `pivot_department_id`, `clinic_departments`.`clinic_id` as `pivot_clinic_id` from `clinics` inner join `clinic_departments` on `clinics`.`id` = `clinic_departments`.`clinic_id` where (`clinic_departments`.`is_active` = 1 and `clinic_departments`.`deleted_at` is null)

Thanks all for ideas.

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