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How do I type this 'as' JSX attribute in TypeScript?

I'm describing a React library that takes a component or HTML tag name through an attribute called as . When given the as attribute, it creates an element from that component/tag name, and passes any other given attributes along.

Here are some examples:

<Foo as="a" href="https://example.com" />
<Foo as={FancyButton} fancyButtonAttr="hello!" />

I know that Semantic UI does something similar with augmentations . How would I go about typing this in TypeScript?

I'll give an example of the most basic requirements given here. You can try to generalize to something that does something more sophisticated.

First, here's our magic component!

import * as React from "react";

function Foo<Tag extends AnyTag>(props: { as: Tag } & PropsOf<Tag>): JSX.Element;

Note two things:

  • A type called AnyTag
  • A utility type called PropsOf

That was our public signature. We might be able to implement this in a type-safe way using that signature, but we can "cheat" a little here in the implementation signature. This is up to you as the implementer.

function Foo(props: any) {
    return <div>Implementation goes here!</div>

Let's go back to those two types we mentioned. AnyTag is anything that a JSX tag can be.

type AnyTag = string
            | React.FunctionComponent<never>
            | (new (props: never) => React.Component);

PropsOf tries to get the expected properties for a given HTML tag name or component.

type PropsOf<Tag> =
    Tag extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements ? JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] :
    Tag extends React.ComponentType<infer Props> ? Props & JSX.IntrinsicAttributes :

Let's now define a few components taking the same props - one function and one class.

interface SomeProps {
  x: boolean; y: boolean; z: boolean;

function Bar(props: SomeProps) {
    return <div>{props.x} {props.y} {props.z}</div>;

class Baz extends React.Component<SomeProps> {
    render() {
        const { x, y, z } = this.props;
        return <div>{x} {y} {z}</div>;

Now here's some usage!

let a1 = <Foo as="a" href="https://kthxb.ai" />;         // good!
let a2 = <Foo as="div" href="https://kthxb.ai" />;       // error!
let a3 = <Foo as="a" href={100} />;                      // error!

let b1 = <Foo as={Bar} x y z />;                         // good!
let b2 = <Foo as={Bar} x y z asdsadsada />;              // error!
let b3 = <Foo as={Bar} x={1} y={2} z={3} asdsadsada />;  // error!

let c1 = <Foo as={Baz} x y z />;                         // good!
let c2 = <Foo as={Baz} x y z asdsadsada />;              // error!
let c3 = <Foo as={Baz} x={1} y={2} z={3} asdsadsada />;  // error!


import * as React from "react";

// Here's our magic component!
// Note two things:
//   - A type called AnyTag
//   - A utility type called PropsOf
function Foo<Tag extends AnyTag>(props: { as: Tag } & PropsOf<Tag>): JSX.Element;

// That was our public signature. We might be able to implement this in a type-safe way using that signature,
// but we can "cheat" a little here in the implementation signature. This is up to you as the implementer.
function Foo(props: any) {
    return <div>Implementation goes here!</div>

// AnyTag is anything that a JSX tag can be.
type AnyTag = string
            | React.FunctionComponent<never>
            | (new (props: never) => React.Component);

// PropsOf tries to get the expected properties for a given HTML tag name or component.
type PropsOf<Tag> =
    Tag extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements ? JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] :
    Tag extends React.ComponentType<infer Props> ? Props & JSX.IntrinsicAttributes :

// Let's now define a few components taking the same props - one function and one class.

interface SomeProps {
  x: boolean; y: boolean; z: boolean;

function Bar(props: SomeProps) {
    return <div>{props.x} {props.y} {props.z}</div>;

class Baz extends React.Component<SomeProps> {
    render() {
        const { x, y, z } = this.props;
        return <div>{x} {y} {z}</div>;

// Now here's some usage!

let a1 = <Foo as="a" href="https://kthxb.ai" />;         // good!
let a2 = <Foo as="div" href="https://kthxb.ai" />;       // error!
let a3 = <Foo as="a" href={100} />;                      // error!

let b1 = <Foo as={Bar} x y z />;                         // good!
let b2 = <Foo as={Bar} x y z asdsadsada />;              // error!
let b3 = <Foo as={Bar} x={1} y={2} z={3} asdsadsada />;  // error!

let c1 = <Foo as={Baz} x y z />;                         // good!
let c2 = <Foo as={Baz} x y z asdsadsada />;              // error!
let c3 = <Foo as={Baz} x={1} y={2} z={3} asdsadsada />;  // error!

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