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How to pass AngularJS variable value to C# controller?

I want to get angularjs value from AngularController.js to CCharpController.cs

This I want to sum value from $scope.count1 and $scope.count2


$scope.onSubmit = function () {
    for (var i = 0 ; i < $scope.Data.length ; i++) {
        if ($scope.Data[i].1 === true) {
            $scope.count1 += 1;
        else if ($scope.Data[i].2 === true) {
            $scope.count2 += 1;


and pass to CCharp function like this,


public IHttpActionResult AllowWarehousePlan([FromBody] WarehouseAllowDenyModel model){ 
    var count = $scope.count1 + $scope.count2 }


I expect receive count value from angularjs function.

First declare a model

$scope.modelVM = {};

Then assign the parameter into model as likes you declare in your model class

 $scope.modelVM.count1 += 1;
 $scope.modelVM.count2 += 1;

After then post the model via http

 $http.post('api/WarehousePlan/AllowWarehousePlan', $scope.modelVM).then(
            function (successResponse) {
                if (successResponse.status == '200') {
                    alert("Data Submit Successfully..");
            function (errorResponse) {
                alert("Not Successful");

Set value in Cookie in Controller file,

 HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["count1"].Value = "1";

You can access cookie value in JS file,

$scope.count1 = $cookies.get("count1");

To Update Cookie value in JS file,


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