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How to pass a string value to v-model that points to a data object (dynamic evaluation)

I want to pass an object value ( product.id ) to a v-model of an input. The problem is when I do that, I get a string "product.id" not product.id as an object. How can I convert the string? Or is this the wrong way?

I tried JSON.parse, but it was not working.

    <div v-for="field in fields" :key="field.id">
      <label>{{ field.name }}</label>
      <input type="text" v-model="field.model" />

    export default{
      data() {
        return {
          product: {
            id: '',
            name: '',
            price: ''
          fields: [
              name: 'Name 1',
              model: 'product.id',
              name: 'Name 2',
              model: 'product.name',
              name: 'Name 3',
              model: 'product.price',

Not sure why you wanted to do this, but since v-model only takes an object, one way I can think of is to reassign the field.model s with the evaluated versions as object. Not necessarily a good approach but works:

 new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { product: { id: '112233', name: 'Random name', price: '$34.5' }, fields: [{ name: 'Name 1', model: 'product.id', }, { name: 'Name 2', model: 'product.name', }, { name: 'Name 3', model: 'product.price', } ] } }, computed: { specialFields() { return this.fields.map(item => Object.assign(item, { model: eval(`this.${item.model}`) })); } } }) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <div v-for="field in specialFields" :key="field.id"> <label>{{ field.name }}</label> <input type="text" v-model.trim="field.model" /> </div> </div> 

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