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append option tag with value which are selected in different select tag

I have Three Select Tags Two with player names

<select >
<option value="plarer1">plarer1</option>
<option value="plarer2">plarer2</option>
<select >
<option value="plarer3">plarer3</option>
<option value="plarer4">plarer4</option>

and the third one is empty and hidden when I will select the value from both select tags they may both appear with value and name in the third select tag

One way to do this is using javascript in the browser:

First make function to create a simple HTML select element that contains a number of options specified by their title. This is pretty straight forward:

function createDropdownWithTitles(...optionTitles) {
  const dropdown = document.createElement('select')
  const defaultOption = new Option('Choose', null, true, true)
  defaultOption.disabled = true
  for (const title of optionTitles) {
    const option = new Option(title, title)
  return dropdown

Then make a function that creates a dynamic dropdown. This is an HTML select element that will dynamically retrieve its options from the selected options of other dropdown boxes.

This becomes a bit more complex. There are two things we need to do:

  • Keep track of the dropdowns that are filled in already: we call this filledInDropdowns in our code. Once all these dropdowns are filled in we can make the dynamic dropdown visible.

  • Keep track of the contents of newly filled in dropdowns. We should reflect these contents in our dynamic dropdown.

Here is it in code

function createDropdownBasedOn(...otherDropdowns) {
  const dropdown = document.createElement('select')
  dropdown.style.visibility = 'hidden'
  const filledInDropdowns = new Array(otherDropdowns.length)
  for (const [index, dropdown] of otherDropdowns.entries()) {
    dropdown.addEventListener('change', event => fillIn(event.currentTarget, index))
    filledInDropdowns[index] = false
  function fillIn(dependency, index) {
    filledInDropdowns[index] = true
    dropdown[index] = new Option(dependency.value, dependency.value)
    for (const filledIn of filledInDropdowns) {
      if (filledIn === false) return
    dropdown.style.visibility = 'visible'
  return dropdown

And then to wrap up create some sample dropdowns:

const dropdownA = createDropdownWithTitles('Player 1', 'Player 2')
const dropdownB = createDropdownWithTitles('Player 3', 'Player 4')

document.body.appendChild(createDropdownBasedOn(dropdownA, dropdownB))

Check out a working example:

 function createDropdownWithTitles(...optionTitles) { const dropdown = document.createElement('select') const defaultOption = new Option('Choose', null, true, true) defaultOption.disabled = true dropdown.add(defaultOption) for (const title of optionTitles) { const option = new Option(title, title) dropdown.add(option) } return dropdown } function createDropdownBasedOn(...otherDropdowns) { const dropdown = document.createElement('select') dropdown.style.visibility = 'hidden' const filledInDropdowns = new Array(otherDropdowns.length) for (const [index, dropdown] of otherDropdowns.entries()) { dropdown.addEventListener('change', event => fillIn(event.currentTarget, index)) filledInDropdowns[index] = false } function fillIn(dependency, index) { filledInDropdowns[index] = true dropdown[index] = new Option(dependency.value, dependency.value) for (const filledIn of filledInDropdowns) { if (filledIn === false) return } dropdown.style.visibility = 'visible' } return dropdown } const dropdownA = createDropdownWithTitles('Player 1', 'Player 2') const dropdownB = createDropdownWithTitles('Player 3', 'Player 4') document.body.appendChild(dropdownA) document.body.appendChild(dropdownB) document.body.appendChild(createDropdownBasedOn(dropdownA, dropdownB)) 

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