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azure devops pipeline script is giving bash error

Azure devops pipeline script is giving error Bash exited with code '127'.

YAML script is not working for devops pipeline.

      - master

      vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'

      - task: NodeTool@0
       versionSpec: '10.x'
       displayName: 'Install Node.js'

   - script: |
        displayName: 'npm install and build'

package.json there is script "start". After running this script it is showing error Bash exited with code '127'.

Your YAML is invalid for multiple reasons. I first of all recommend that you not indent the root level (semantically it makes no difference). If you do that you'll more easily see that the first key ( trigger ) is indented more than the second key ( pool ):

   - master

   vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'

   - task: NodeTool@0

Then at the end of the file you have sequence entry indicator ( - at the same level as a value for the key inputs but that key already has a mapping as value (the one with keys versionSpec and displayName ), and you cannot have a node in YAML that has both sequence and mapping elements. It is not obvious though how to fix this.

Not fatal, but a recommendation anyway: you should indent the sequences with the same a mount of whitespace. The sequence that is the value for trigger is indented 4 positions for the entry with an offset for the sequence-entry indicator of 2. For value of steps this is 5 resp. 3. It pays of to keep this consistent, and if you have a hard time doing that, there are tools available (both installable and online) that do that for you.

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