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Static Variables in Robot Framework

Is there any such thing as a static type of variable in robot framework? and if so how do i invoke it? or is the solution to do it via a python file?

The problem i'm trying to fix is, i want a variable to be set once and for it to remember the value that is set. Unfortunately this variable is in a resource file (it's separate to my test suite files).

Yes you can set static variables in robot framework. Your resource file should have something like this in it.

*** Settings ***
*** Variables ***
${MyVariable}    MyValue

*** Keywords ***

Your test should look something like this

*** Settings ***  

Resource    (Path to resource file)

*** Test Cases ***
My Test Case
[Documentation]    This is documentation
My keyword    MyVariable

Given the following suite structure:


Now in your variables.resource file you can create and initialize your variable like:

*** Keywords ***
Setup Static Variable
    ${my_static}=    Init My Static    # Get time here
    Set Suite Variable    ${my_static}    children=true

Here with the Set Suite Variable you can make your variable accessible in the current suite (in which this keyword is actually called) and with the children=true option, in all sub-suites. This means all test suite files in the folder for example.

Next step is to create your __init__.robot file:

*** Settings ***
Resource            variables.resource
Suite Setup         Setup Static Variable

The current suite will be test_folder and the children will be test_s1 , test_s2 and test_s3 . ${my_static} will be accessible in all of them. The Setup Static Variable keyword will be executed once, when the execution reaches the test_folder .

In your test suite files you can use the variable even without importing the resource file.


*** Test Cases ***
My First Test
    Log    ${my_static}

If your variable is a constant and not calculated during run-time, @Justin's answer is what your are looking for.

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