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excel vba concat number with leading zero and text in new cell

I have copied a cell using vba that is formatted as Custom "00000"

eg 07455

when I try to copy this value the active cell and concat with text, I loose the leading zero. here's the code i'm using -

ActiveCell.EntireRow.Cells(1, "B").Value = "WO-" & ws.Range("B12").Value

I've tried formatting the destination (active cell) as Custom "00000" but it I still loose the zero.

I end up with WO-7455 instead of WO-07455

Can anyone help please?

thanks Craig


ActiveCell.EntireRow.Cells(1, "B").Value = "WO-" & ws.Range("B12").Text

or (not tested)

ActiveCell.EntireRow.Cells(1, "B").Value = "WO-" & Format(ws.Range("B12").Value,"00000")

EDIT: Note that the first option will show whatever the source cell ( B12 ) displays. So if the column is so narrow that the display is ## or hidden, the result cell may not display what you expect. The second option should always work, no matter the column width of the source cell.

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