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Will the input() function execution context be inside the check() function execution context?

My question is about the execution context in this code: when the function check() got called using the console.log will the input() function execution context be inside the check() function execution context or outside of it .

var x;
var y;
function check(){
y = input()
    return "true";
    return false;

function input(){
  x = eval(prompt("please enter a number "));
  return x;


I tried just to make the variable deceleration outside of the function and assign them inside the function.

The result that i got when i added input as (9) i got true and that is correct.the question is about the context only.

It's not "inside". Execution contexts are one on top of the other on a stack.

You have the Global Execution Context at the bottom. When you call check() , its execution context is pushed on top of the stack.


When inside check you call input() , the new execution context will be again pushed on top:


When input returns a value, its context is popped out of the array, and execution of check resumes. When check returns, its context is popped out too.

Both functions have access to variables x and y through the scope chain.

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