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Check for access to Sharepoint folder/If the folder exists

Simple macro to SaveAs a basic excel file to SharePoint and then do a bunch of other stuff. The macro works perfectly when the user has an access to the specified folder FLUX PL.

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="https://xxxxcorp.sharepoint.com/sites/CEEControlling/Shared%20Documents/Reporting/FLUX%20Analysis/FLUX%20PL/FLUX%20analysis%20PL%20" & Date & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

If the user doesn't have access (so he does not see the file), it half-saves in place of the original file so it is broken and I have to go to the previous version.

I tried include code to check if I have access/the folder exists in SharePoint, but it gives me

Run-time error '52': Bad file name or number.

mypath = "https://xxxxcorp.sharepoint.com/sites/CEEControlling/Shared%20Documents/Reporting/FLUX%20Analysis/FLUX%20PL"
mypath = Replace(Replace(mypath, "https:", ""), "/", "\")
mypath = Replace(mypath, Split(mypath, "\")(2), Split(mypath, "\")(2) & "@SSL")

If Dir(mypath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
    MsgBox ("Doesnt exist!")
    MsgBox ("Exists!")
End If

I also thought about On Error Goto [label] but by the time it gives me error the file is already renamed (and the original one broken). I would be grateful for any help.

If anyone would need it in the future, I got it working. I try to save it and if it gives me error I use On Error GoTo and open SaveAs Dialog.

    On Error GoTo savior
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= "https://xxxxcorp.sharepoint.com/sites/CEEControlling/Shared%20Documents/Reporting/FLUX%20Analysis/FLUX%20" & Range("H2").Value & "/FLUX%20analysis%20" & Range("H2").Value & "%20" & Date & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False               
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Goto 0
    GoTo rest
    MsgBox ("You do NOT have access to the default folder on Teams:" & vbNewLine & "Controlling CEE >> Reporting >> Files >> FLUX Analysis >> FLUX " & Range("H2").Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Select different location for the new trimmed file!")
    Filename = "FLUX analysis " & Range("H2") & " " & Date
    varResult = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(FileFilter:= _
                "Excel Files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx", Title:="Select File Location", _
    If varResult <> False Then
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=varResult, _
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    GoTo rest

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