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Adding Inlines to TextBox is very slow

In my application i have a consonle like control that displays outputs i send from various functions using:

Run run = new Run("FancyText");
run.FontSize = 15;
run.FontFamily = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily("Consolas");
run.Foreground = FancyColor;
tbConsole.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());

However this slows down my programm drastically... Am i doing something wrong or is this just what you can expect? (By the way if i instead of the adding Runs to the Textbox i use a Stackpanel and add Textboxes it works fine and fast)

I have never been able to get this to run as fast as i wanted so i came up with a different approach which complies to MVVM. I created a virtualized stackpanel to contain textboxes that i create and add in code:

 <ScrollViewer Grid.Column="2" Name="consoleScroll" Background="Black">
    <ItemsControl  ItemsSource="{Binding Log}">


public ObservableCollection<System.Windows.Controls.Control> Log
    get { return (ObservableCollection<System.Windows.Controls.Control>)this.GetValue(LogProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(LogProperty, value); }

// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Log.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty LogProperty =
    DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Log), typeof(ObservableCollection<System.Windows.Controls.Control>), typeof(ViewModel), new PropertyMetadata(default(ObservableCollection<System.Windows.Controls.Control>)));

//Code to call in a function
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Hotpink);
tb.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
tb.Text = "my nice string";

The resulting console window works as expected and supports multi color. Needed to censor parts of it... 结果控制台窗口

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