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How to access with OpenLayers a private layer from Geoserver?

I can use the following code to show public layers, but if it demands authentication, I can't (as expected).

var untiled = new ol.layer.Image({
  source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
    ratio: 1,
    url: 'http://url/geoserver/workspacename/wms',
    params: {
      'FORMAT': format,
      'VERSION': '1.1.1',
      STYLES: '',
      LAYERS: 'workspacename:layername'

How can I authenticate via OpenLayers request? There's any way to exhibit the private layers or if I want to use OpenLayers I must let all my layers open? Thanks in advance.

I end up finding two solutions to this problem. One was point out by the Mike in the comments and the other one I get it in the Reddit .

Basically, in the first one, you have to change the imageLoadFunction to send in every requisition the username and the password in the header. There's a problem in this approach, though, the credentials will be available in the source code.

The other option is to deal with the Geoserver authentication in the server side.

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