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The action in addTarget of my button does not work

Xcode did not report errors but nothing was printed when I pressed the button. I tried it with action:

#selector (print), action: #selector (self.print), action: #selector (ViewController.print)..etc..

Swift 4, Xcode 10.1

class SomeViewController:UIViewController {
var button:UIButton = UIButton()
func setupButton()
    button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 140, y: 140, width: 90, height: 40))
    button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(print(-:)) , for: .touchUpOutside)
    button.setTitle("Convert", for: .normal)
    button.backgroundColor = .yellow


@objc func print(_sender: UIButton)

override func viewDidLoad() 
    CollectionView.frame = view.frame

Change this ( You need touchUpInside instead of touchUpOutside )

button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(print(_:)) , for: .touchUpOutside)


button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(printRes) , for: .touchUpInside)

@objc func printRes(_ sender: UIButton) { }

Also don't use print as button action name because it's a reserved method

Also to get the button click action set it's type

button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.frame  = CGRect(x: 140, y: 140, width: 90, height: 40)

You just have to change event type from .touchUpOutside to .touchUpInside

Here isevents documentation

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