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RxSwift - how to have readable combineLatest event element variable names?

var isCurrentlySearchingAddress = Variable<Bool>(false)
var currentSelectedPlace = Variable<GeocodePlace?>(nil)

when I make a subscription on

Observable.combineLatest(viewModel.isCurrentlySearchingAddress.asObservable(), viewModel.currentSelectedPlace.asObservable())

How can I have readable variable names instead of 0 and 1 ?


If you are only interested in next events you can do this:

Observable.combineLatest(isCurrentlySearchingAddress.asObservable(), currentSelectedPlace.asObservable())
   .subscribe(onNext: { (isSearchingAddress, selectedPlace) in


Or this (if you want to keep using subscribe ):

Observable.combineLatest(isCurrentlySearchingAddress.asObservable(), currentSelectedPlace.asObservable())
   .subscribe { event in
      if case let .next(isSearchingAddress, selectedPlace) = event {


You can do it like this:

        varA.asObservable(), varB.asObservable(),
        resultSelector: { value1, value2 in
            print("\(value1) \(value2)")
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Here you're using the subscribe(on:) then force unwrapping element . In case of error the element will we nil and it will cause crash. It is not a good idea to force unwrap it.

If you're sure that the sequence will never emit error or you don't want to handle the error then it's better to use subscribe(onNext:) like this:

Observable.combineLatest(viewModel.isCurrentlySearchingAddress.asObservable(), viewModel.currentSelectedPlace.asObservable())
    .subscribe(onNext: { (isCurrentlySearchingAddress, currentSelectedPlace) in
    // Use isCurrentlySearchingAddress: Bool and currentSelectedPlace: GeocodePlace? here.
    if (isCurrentlySearchingAddress) {
        // TODO: 

Also don't forget to add it to DisposeBag .

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