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WAMPServer crashed on Windows 10 - how can I backup all MySQL databases?

WAMPServer won't start up any services for some reason (worked fine until 2 weeks ago -- nothing I can think of that changed, though wouldn't be surprised if Windows 10 forced some update) so I'm planning to uninstall and then reinstall. Before I do, I want to backup my content so that I can restore it once I get the new version installed from scratch.

I have already zipped the wamp64\\www folder and now I'm trying to do mysqldump, but MySQL won't even start.

My question has two parts:

  1. How can I start MySQL service on Windows 10 home (no group policies or any such in-depth admin capabilities) when it will not start? I've tried opening services.msc and manually restarting -- it just doesn't do anything. There is no error.

  2. Is there a way to save all my MySQL databases in one go without launching MySQL?

On my system database they are stored in C:\\Program Files (x86)\\WampServer\\bin\\mysql\\mysql5.1.53\\data .

You can try to start mysql locally with an executable on wamp\\bin\\mysql\\mysql-version\\bin .

Maybe your wampp won't start because another application is using the same port?

You can view running port on Command Prompt with:

C:\> netstat -a -b
  • -a This switch displays active TCP connections, TCP connections with the listening state, as well as UDP ports that are being listened to.

  • -b This netstat switch is very similar to the -o switch listed below, but instead of displaying the PID, will display the process's actual file name. Using -b over -o might seem like it's saving you a step or two but using it can sometimes greatly extend the time it takes netstat to fully execute.

You can search a specific port with :

netstat -aon | find "[PORT]"
  • -o A handy option for many troubleshooting tasks, the -o switch displays the process identifier (PID) associated with each displayed connection. See the example below for more about using netstat -o.

  • -n Use the -n switch to prevent netstat from attempting to determine host names for foreign IP addresses. Depending on your current network connections, using this switch could considerably reduce the time it takes for netstat to fully execute.

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