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How do I customize Jekyll theme for a single page in GitHub pages?

I want to remove the large hero header for a particular page inside my GitHub pages site.

I know how to customize the themes layout , however I only want to customize the layout for a particular page.


  • README.md : the "home page" aka / . I do NOT want to customize
  • credits.md : the credits page at /credits . I do NOT want to customize.
  • help.md : the help page at /help . I DO want to customize. I want to remove the header .

I'd like to do something like /assets/css/help-style.scss


@import "{{ site.theme }}";

header {
  display: none;

The easiest way would be to just define a new layout for your help.md

  1. Create a copy of the layout currently used by help.md (say, page.html )
  2. Rename the new layout as help.html (path: _layouts/help.html )
  3. Remove markup that renders the large hero header
  4. Use layout: help in the front matter of help.md :

     --- layout: help --- 

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