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Resolving Controller Services in Sylius/Symfony

Hoes does Symfony resolve the Sylius service sylius.controller.shop_user service to the controller class file Sylius\\Bundle\\UserBundle\\Controller\\UserController .

My understanding is that sylius.controller.shop_user is a service, and that in Symfony there will be a corresponding service configuration. This service configuration will tell Symfony which class to use when it needs to instantiate the service.

However, I can't seem to find a sylius.controller.shop_user configuration in the Sylius source configuration anywhere. There's just references to this service in routing files

#File: src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/config/routing/ajax/user.yml
    path: /check
    methods: [GET]
        _controller: sylius.controller.shop_user:showAction
        _format: json
                method: findOneByEmail
                    email: $email
            serialization_groups: [Secured]

or in on-disk container cache files.

1798:    <parameter key="sylius.controller.shop_user.class">Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Controller\UserController</parameter>
15230:    <service id="sylius.controller.shop_user" class="Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Controller\UserController" public="true">

So how does Symfony know to instantiate the right class for this service?

Is there configuration I'm not seeing? Some Symfony magic that auto-generates the class? Some other mysterious third thing where I don't know what I don't know?

I don't have any specific task in mind, I'm just trying to get a feel for how Sylius and Symfony work under the hood.

The controller service is defined based on ResourceBundle's configuration in Sylius\\Bundle\\ResourceBundle\\DependencyInjection\\Driver\\AbstractDriver::addController . This driver is called when loading a bundle.

Services with the name sylius.controller.[entity-name] are part of the Sylius entity resource system . As best I can tell, when you define your new doctrine entities in a specific way and register them as a Sylius resource , Sylius will automatically generate these controller services based on your configuration.

The actual line of code that defines these services is here .

#File: src/Sylius/Bundle/ResourceBundle/DependencyInjection/Driver/AbstractDriver.php
/* ... */
$container->setDefinition($metadata->getServiceId('controller'), $definition);
/* ... */

The Sylius\\Bundle\\ResourceBundle\\DependencyInjection\\Driver\\AbstractDriver class is a (as of 1.3) a base class for the Sylius\\Bundle\\ResourceBundle\\DependencyInjection\\Driver\\Doctrine\\DoctrineORMDriver class. How this class ends up being used is by Symfony is unclear, but is fortunately beyond the scope of this answer.

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