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Get value from emit in input field with Vue

I know this has a simple answer but I appear to be stuck. I have an upload image input in a form. Following several tutorials, I have successfully created the upload method. My issue is once the image is uploaded to Firestore storage I use this.$emit('imgurl', downloadURL)

My problem is I do not know how to get that value so when the user submits the form the url gets added to the database.

Parts of the code:


<div class="field avatar">
    <label for="avatar">Avatar</label>
    <input type="file" name="imgurl" accept="image/*" @change="detectFiles($event.target.files)">
    <div class="progress-bar green" :style="{ width: progressUpload + '%'}">{{ progressUpload }}%</div>
    <img class="avatar" v-bind:src="this.downloadURL">


detectFiles (fileList) {
    Array.from(Array(fileList.length).keys()).map( x => {
upload (file) {
    var storage = firebase.storage();
    this.uploadTask = storage.ref('avatars/'+file.name).put(file);


watch: {
        uploadTask: function() {
            this.uploadTask.on('state_changed', sp => {
                this.progressUpload = Math.floor(sp.bytesTransferred / sp.totalBytes * 100)
            () => {
                this.uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(downloadURL => {
                    this.downloadURL = downloadURL
                    this.$emit('imgurl', downloadURL)


Add to the database:

    team_name: this.team_name,
    team_id: this.team_id,
    bio: this.bio,
    url: this.imgurl,
}).then(() => {
   this.$router.push({ name: 'Admin' })
}).catch(err => {

I found the answer. I added a hidden input field <input type="hidden" name="imgurl" v-model="imgurl"> and replaced the emit with this.imgurl = downloadURL

You can pass a function as a prop to a child component, then call this function passing your downloadURL as argument.

Parent Component


<child passURL="getDownloadURL">


data: {
    return {
        downloadURL: null
methods: {
    getDownloadURL: function(url) {
        this.downloadURL = url

Child Component


props: ['passURL'],

Inside your watcher, you can call


Instead of $emit.

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