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Re: How can I import a javascript AMD module into an external TypeScript module? (When using module.exports=…)

Related question: How can I import a javascript AMD module into an external TypeScript module?

I have tried the workaround in the question above, it surely works. But it did not work when the AMD module returns function itself as the module (not {message:Function} , but Function itself) using module.exports=function ..

log.js: (same as the question above)

define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {
    function message(s) {
    exports.message = message;


declare module 'log'{
    export function message(s:string);


define(["require", "exports","module"],function(require, exports,module) {
    function message(s) {
    module.exports = message;


declare module 'log2'{
    export default function (s:string);


import log = require('log'); 
log.message("hello");  // It works

import log2 = require('log2'); 

log2("hello");  // Error error TS2349: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'typeof import("log2")' has no compatible call signatures.

log2.default("hello"); // Compile passed. But runtime error on the browser (Uncaught TypeError: log2.default is not a function)

I compiled these *.ts files with tsc -m amd (tsc Version 3.2.4), and used require.js 2.3.5 to run the program on the browser. But log2 does not run( See main.ts ).

Maybe I am misunderstanding the use of export default in log2.d.ts . How can I write the type definition correctly?

Try this:

// log2.d.ts
declare module 'log2'{
    function message(s: string);
    export = message;

See also: the Handbook .

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