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setTimeout not working to dissapear <p> tag

I'm a fair rookie to JS and I'm working on a project that needs me to make a non-functioning validation system. Here is the code i have at the moment:

I don't know why the setTimeout is not working, I checked on other posts as well but had no understanding. It seems my function dissapearText is not being recognised since i have a console.log as a test to see if it runs, but it's not appearing in the devtools console. Any simple solution would do.

Thanks, Arthur

let validation = document.querySelector('.type__style');
let validation2 = document.getElementById("label__text");

const init = () =>{
    const $button = document.getElementById('send__button');
    $button.onclick = () => {

    const revealText = () => {
        if (validation.value === ""){
            window.alert("Please enter your name.");
            return false;
        }else if(validation2.value === ""){
            window.alert("Please fill in commentary.");
            return false;
            document.querySelector('.feedback').style.opacity = 1;
            return true;


    const dissapearText = () => {
        if (revealText === true){
            document.querySelector('.feedback').style.opacity = 0;



The issue is

if (revealText === true)

revealText is a function which returns a boolean, you need to change this to

if (revealText() === true)

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