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fscanf: how to read but not assign commas?

I have a C program that reads in a list of values separated by commas from a .txt file and assigns the values to variables. I want to assign the first value to a string, the second to an int, the third to a double and the fourth to a double. However, the entire line gets assigned to the string, and the rest are garbage or random values. I want to be able to "skip over" the commas and read assign values between the commas. The final double has a percentage sign at the end so I read the value using a %%, at least thats what I believe should be done.

fscanf(text_file, "%s,%d,%lf,%lf%%%[^\n]", title, &count, &size, &percentage);

A data point would look like this: yellow-leaves,43,4.50,9.00% But the values of title contain the entire line, and the rest of the values are just random garbage values.

Bear in mind that scanf() is ill-suited for user-input.

Anyway ... "%s" reads commas (it skips whitespace), try "%[^,]" .

// assuming
// char title[99];
if (fscanf(f, " %98[^,],%d...", title, ...) != 4) /* error */;
//             ^ skip whitespace

Better yet: read a whole line with fgets() then parse it, possibly with sscanf() .

char buff[999];
while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, f)) {
    // parse buff

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