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How to execute commands through PHP?

I am trying to convert videos into MP4 using FFMPEG. I have it set up this way:

private $ffmpegPath;

public function __construct($con) {
    $this->con = $con;
    $this->ffmpegPath = realpath("ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe");
public function convertVideoToMp4($tempFilePath, $finalFilePath){
    $cmd = "$this->ffmpegPath -i $tempFilePath $finalFilePath 2>&1";

    $outputLog = array();
    exec($cmd, $outputLog, $returnCode);

    if($returnCode != 0){
        foreach ($outputLog as $line){
            echo $line."<br>";
            return false;

    return true;

And in the browser i get the following error: 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Thinksmart First Sprint' is not recognized as an internal or external command".

In my constructor i have it set up to give me the realpath and i suspect that this is what it does in the command line:

C:/xampp/htdocs/Thinksmart FIrst Sprint/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe -i (file temp name) (file name i want)

And this should work, but i dont know why it wont. Any ideas? Its my first time working with video conversions.

As you can see, spaces in your command are used to separate arguments. So if there are spaces in a path you need to quote the entire path with quotes so that the shell/processor knows they aren't separators but are one argument:

$cmd = $cmd = '"' . $this->ffmpegPath . '" -i $tempFilePath $finalFilePath 2>&1';

Which will result in a command something like this:

"C:/xampp/htdocs/Thinksmart First Sprint/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe" -i C:/path/to/file1 C:/path/to/file2 2>&1

I think only double-quotes work on Windows. You need to quote $tempFilePath and $finalFilePath if they might have spaces in them as well.

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