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Why webpack returns an empty object when requiring its output?

I'm trying to bundle my project and then require the bundled minified output.
My index.js file looks like this:

const browserHost = require('./hosts/browserHost')
const workerHost = require('./hosts/workerHost')
module.exports = {
    initBrowserHost: options => browserHost.init(options),
    initWorkerHost: options => workerHost.init(options)

When requiring it I have my two init functions. When I'm bundling my project with webpack and requiring index.min.js , I have an empty object.
Webpack config:

const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin')
const path = require('path')

module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: [
                use: ['babel-loader']
    node: {
        fs: 'empty',
        dns: 'empty'
    target: 'node',
    entry: [
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
        filename: 'index.min.js'
    optimization: {
        minimizer: [
            new TerserPlugin({
                parallel: true,
                terserOptions: {
                    ecma: 6

What am I doing wrong?

In case you build a library for others to use from node_modules, you need to tell webpack that you want to support umd (in simple words, you want to let your consumers use it from require(yinon_lib) or import .. from 'yinon_lib'`).

The way to do that is:

output: {
      libraryTarget: 'umd', 

More information:



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