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Speed-up a parallel process calculating a mann-kendall test over a huge dataset in R

Let's assume to have a large dataset of climatic data at monthly time steps for a large number of points in the world. Then dataset is shaped as a data.frame of the type:

lon, lat, data_month_1_yr_1, ..., data_month_12_yr_100


data<- data.frame(cbind(runif(10000,-180,180), runif(10000,-90,90))
, replicate(1200, runif(10000,0,150)))

I would like to perform a Mann-Kendall test (using trend::mk.test ) over the monthly time series of each of the spatial points and get the main statistics in a data.frame . In order to speed up this very long process I parallelized my code and wrote something like the following:

coords<-data[,1:2] #get the coordinates out of the initial dataset
data_t<- as.data.frame(t(data[,3:1202])) #each column is now the time series associated to a point
data_t$month<-rep(seq(1,12,1),100) # month index as last column of the data frame
# start the parallel processing


cores=detectCores() #count cores
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1) #take all the cores minus 1 not to overload the pc

mk_out<- foreach(m=1:12, .combine = rbind) %:%
         foreach (a =1:10000, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {

           library(trend) #need to load this all the times otherwise I get an error (don't know why)
           mk_out_temp <- data.frame("lon"=coords[a,1],
                                     "p.value" = as.numeric(test$p.value),
                                     "z_stat" = as.numeric(test$statistic),
                                     "tau" = as.numeric(test$estimates[3]),
                                     "month"= as.numeric(m))

         lon       lat    p.value     z_stat         tau month
1  -76.47209 -34.09350 0.57759040 -0.5569078 -0.03797980     1
2  103.78985 -31.58639 0.64436238  0.4616081  0.03151515     1
3  -32.76831  66.64575 0.11793238  1.5635113  0.10626263     1
4  137.88627 -30.83872 0.79096910  0.2650524  0.01818182     1
5  158.56822 -67.37378 0.09595919 -1.6647673 -0.11313131     1
6 -163.59966 -25.88014 0.82325630  0.2233588  0.01535354     1

This runs just fine and gives me exactly what I am after: a matrix reporting the MK statistics for each combination of coordinates and month. Although the process is parallelized, however, the computation takes still a considerable amount of time.

Is there a way to speed up this process? Any room for using functions from the apply family?

You note that you have already fixed your problem. Is obtainable using one of the following steps:

1: Copy the necessary objects to the foreach loops using .packages and .export . This ensures that each instance will not clash when trying to access the same memory.

2: Utilizing high performance libraries such as tidyverse of data.table to perform subsetting and computation.

The latter is a bit more complicated but yielded a massive boost to performance on my tiny tiny laptop. (Performing all calculations i roughly 1.5 minutes for the entire dataset.)

Below is my added code. Note that i replaced foreach with a single parLapply function from the parallel package.

data<- data.frame(cbind(runif(10000,-180,180), runif(10000,-90,90))
                  , replicate(1200, runif(10000,0,150)))

coords<-data[,1:2] #get the coordinates out of the initial dataset
data_t<- as.data.frame(t(data[,3:1202])) #each column is now the time series associated to a point
data_t$month<-rep(seq(1,12,1),100) # month index as last column of the data frame
# start the parallel processing

cores=detectCores() #count cores
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1) #take all the cores minus 1 not to overload the pc

#user  system elapsed 
#17.80   35.12   98.72
  test <- data_t[,parLapply(cl, 
                            .SD, function(x){
                            ), by = month] #Perform the calculations across each month
  #create a column that indicates what each row is measuring
  rows <- rep(c("p.value","statistic.z","estimates.S","estimates.var","estimates.tau"),12)

  final_tests <- dcast( #Cast the melted structure to a nice form
                      melt(cbind(test,rowname = rows), #Melt the data for a better structure
                        id.vars = c("rowname","month"), #Grouping variables
                        measure.vars = paste0("V",seq.int(1,10000))), #variable names
                      month + variable ~ rowname, #LHS groups the data along rows, RHS decides the value columns
                      value.var = "value", #Which column contain values? 
                      drop = TRUE) #should we drop unused columns? (doesnt matter here)
  #rename the columns as desired
  names(final_tests) <- c("month","variable","S","tau","var","p.value","z_stat")
  #finally add the coordinates
  final_tests <- cbind(final_form,coords) 

At the end the problem was easily addressed by replacing the second loop with a lapply function (inspired by this answer ). The execution time is now contained to just few seconds. Vectorizing remains the best solution to execution times in R (see this post and this )

I share the final code here below for reference:

data<- data.frame(cbind(runif(10000,-180,180), runif(10000,-90,90)), replicate(1200, runif(10000,0,150)))
data_t<- as.data.frame(t(data[,3:1202]))


cl <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1) #take all the cores minus 1

mk_out<- foreach(m=1:12, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
    mk_out_temp <- do.call(rbind,lapply(data_m[1:100],function(x)unlist(mk.test(x))))
    mk_out_temp <-cbind(coords,mk_out_temp,rep(m,dim(coords)[1]))


         lon       lat data.name            p.value        statistic.z null.value.S parameter.n estimates.S estimates.varS
1  -76.47209 -34.09350         x  0.577590398263635 -0.556907839290681            0         100        -188         112750
2  103.78985 -31.58639         x  0.644362383361713  0.461608102085858            0         100         156         112750
3  -32.76831  66.64575         x  0.117932376736468   1.56351131351662            0         100         526         112750
4  137.88627 -30.83872         x   0.79096910003836  0.265052394100912            0         100          90         112750
5  158.56822 -67.37378         x 0.0959591933285242  -1.66476728429674            0         100        -560         112750
6 -163.59966 -25.88014         x  0.823256299016955  0.223358759073802            0         100          76         112750
       estimates.tau alternative                  method              pvalg rep(m, dim(coords)[1])
1 -0.037979797979798   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test  0.577590398263635                      1
2 0.0315151515151515   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test  0.644362383361713                      1
3  0.106262626262626   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test  0.117932376736468                      1
4 0.0181818181818182   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test   0.79096910003836                      1
5 -0.113131313131313   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test 0.0959591933285242                      1
6 0.0153535353535354   two.sided Mann-Kendall trend test  0.823256299016955                      1

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