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How to register api on the routes of laravel

I have question regarding registering the api on the route.php I got an error accessing my api that I already created on the route.php

Class App\\Http\\Controllers/api/UserController does not exist

I create api folder I named it as api inside Controllers/api I create UserController.php

My Function:

public function index() {

    $table_slider = DB::select('SELECT content_id,link,file,slider_sorting,content_pages FROM content_structure as cs LEFT JOIN (SELECT cid,file FROM content_upload_assets) cua ON cs.content_id = cua.cid WHERE content_pages = ? AND cs.status = ? ORDER BY content_id DESC ',[


    return response()->json($table_slider);

On my api.php


To solved the issue I used this route.


I think you should double check your api route. As per my understanding your route declaration should be corrected as follows.


Here is more related topic to refer. Laravel Controller Subfolder routing

Think this will help.

You're using the wrong directory separator:


Change it to


You are using wrong way to point the controller, You can change your route like this:


A much better way is using namespace. Your controller should look like,


namespace App\Http\Controllers\api;

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index() {

    $table_slider = DB::select('SELECT content_id,link,file,slider_sorting,content_pages FROM content_structure as cs LEFT JOIN (SELECT cid,file FROM content_upload_assets) cua ON cs.content_id = cua.cid WHERE content_pages = ? AND cs.status = ? ORDER BY content_id DESC ',[



    return response()->json($table_slider);

Now, you can specify namespace along with route as:

Route::group(['namespace' => 'api'],function(){

If any confusion feel free to ask.

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