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Running macro present in one excel file from another excel file

I am writing a macro in one of the excel files. I want to run that from another excel sheet.

My code:

Sub Full_Automation()
    Dim All_Submitted_Dates As Variant
    Dim All_WorkWeek As Variant
    Dim dctUnique_WorkWeek As Dictionary
    Dim DateCounter As Long
    Dim WorkWeekCounter As Long

    Set dctUnique_WorkWeek = New Dictionary

With Sheet1
    All_Submitted_Dates = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Range("K2"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp)))
End With

    WorkWeekCounter = 1

For DateCounter = 1 To UBound(All_Submitted_Dates)
    If Not dctUnique_WorkWeek.Exists("WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter))) Then
        dctUnique_WorkWeek.Add Key:="WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter)), Item:=1
        dctUnique_WorkWeek("WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter))) = dctUnique_WorkWeek("WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter))) + 1
    End If
Next DateCounter

    Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

    Dim rowCounter As Long
    Dim varKey As Variant

    rowCounter = 2

    For Each varKey In dctUnique_WorkWeek.Keys()
        Range("A" & rowCounter).Value = varKey
        Range("D" & rowCounter).Value = dctUnique_WorkWeek(varKey)

        If rowCounter = 2 Then
            Range("C" & rowCounter).Formula = "=B" & rowCounter
            Range("E" & rowCounter).Formula = "=D" & rowCounter
            Range("C" & rowCounter).Formula = "=C" & (rowCounter - 1) & "+B" & rowCounter
            Range("E" & rowCounter).Formula = "=E" & (rowCounter - 1) & "+D" & rowCounter
        End If
        rowCounter = rowCounter + 1

End Sub

When I tried to debug the code line by line, I got to know that whenever I execute the line Sheet1.Activate it going to the original excel file where my macro is present. How will I refer to the first worksheet of another workbook?

The Sheets collection is a property of the Workbook object (observe that the Sheets collection is more inclusive than the worksheets collection because not all Sheets are Worksheets ). The default workbook is the ActiveWorkbook and this will be addressed if you don't specify anything else.

You can assign a workbook to a variable declared as Workbook .

Dim Wb As Workbook
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set Wb = Workbooks.Open ([File name])
Set Wb = Workbooks.Add ([Template])

You can then address any sheet in the designated workbook.

Debug.Print Wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).Value

Early binding can load the dictionary object within the initial declaration.

Set dctUnique_WorkWeek = New Dictionary

This creates a 1-D array but you start the increment in the For ... Next at 1, not zero. Probably better to simply use a 2-D array. In fact, I've it expedient to always use LBound to UBound for a For ... Next involving an array.

With Sheet1
    All_Submitted_Dates = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Range("K2"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp)))
End With

The codename Sheet1 is going to refer to the Sheet1 within the workbook containing the VBA project. Use the worksheet's name and provide an explicit parent workbook if external.


In fact, there is no need to .Activate a worksheet to reference it as long as an explicitly referenced parent workbook is provided.

dctUnique_WorkWeek("WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter))) = dctUnique_WorkWeek("WW" & WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(All_Submitted_Dates(DateCounter))) + 1

a) VBA's Format uses the ww format mask to retrieve the same number as WorksheetFunction.WeekNum. b) There is a shorthand 'countif in a dictionary' that bypasses the dictionary's Exists method.

WorkWeekCounter doesn't appear to be used beyond being declared and assigned a value of 1.

WorkWeekCounter = 1

You can write all of the keys and items at once. The formulas will require 2 steps due to the different formulas.

For Each varKey In dctUnique_WorkWeek.Keys()

Your formulas seem to reference column B yet no values are put into column B on the new worksheet.

Option Explicit

Sub Full_Automation()

    Dim All_Submitted_Dates As Variant, dctUnique_WorkWeek As New Dictionary
    Dim dc As Long

    With ActiveWorkbook  'better as With Workbooks("Book1.xlsx")

        With .Worksheets("Sheet1")
            All_Submitted_Dates = .Range(.Cells(2, "K"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp)).Value2
        End With

        For dc = LBound(All_Submitted_Dates, 1) To UBound(All_Submitted_Dates, 1)
            dctUnique_WorkWeek.Item("WW" & Right(Format(All_Submitted_Dates(dc, 1), "\0ww"), 2)) = _
                dctUnique_WorkWeek.Item("WW" & Right(Format(All_Submitted_Dates(dc, 1), "\0ww"), 2)) + 1
        Next dc

        Worksheets.Add After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)

        With .Sheets(.Sheets.Count)

            'name = "give the new worksheet a name"

            .Cells(2, "A").Resize(dctUnique_WorkWeek.Count, 1) = Application.Transpose(dctUnique_WorkWeek.keys)
            .Cells(2, "D").Resize(dctUnique_WorkWeek.Count, 1) = Application.Transpose(dctUnique_WorkWeek.items)

            'optionally sort the weeks
            With .Cells(2, "A").Resize(dctUnique_WorkWeek.Count, 4)
                .Sort key1:=.Cells(1), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
            End With

            .Cells(2, "C").Formula = "=B2"
            .Cells(2, "E").Formula = "=D2"

            .Range(.Cells(3, "C"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 2)).Formula = "=C2+B3"
            .Range(.Cells(3, "E"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 4)).Formula = "=E2+D3"

        End With

    End With

End Sub

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