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How can I assert a delegate is called in my unit test

I would like to asset that the correct delegate method is called depending on the result of a check in my presenter.

Having mocked out my IdentityProvider to return true, how would I write a test to assert delegate?.userIsAuthenticated() is called?

import Foundation
import InjectStory

protocol StartPresenterDelegate: class {
    func userIsAuthenticated()
    func userNeedsToAuthenticate()

class StartPresenter {
    weak var delegate: StartPresenterDelegate?
    weak var view: StartViewInterface!

    private lazy var identityProvider = Dependencies.identityProvider.inject()

    init(view: StartViewInterface) {
        self.view = view

    private func checkUserAuthState() {
        if identityProvider.isAuthorized() {
        } else {


extension StartPresenter: StartPresentation {
    func onViewDidLoad() {

extension StartPresenter {
    struct Dependencies {
        static let identityProvider = Injection<IdentityProviderProtocol>(IdentityProvider.shared)

You have to mock the StartPresenterDelegate as follows too.

class MockStartPresenterDelegate: StartPresenterDelegate {
   var userIsAuthenticated_wasCalled = false 

   func userIsAuthenticated() {
       userIsAuthenticated_wasCalled = true

Inject MockStartPresenterDelegate as the delegate and check that userIsAuthenticated_wasCalled is true

You need to do some trick. Create MockDelegateClass for your protocol StartPresenterDelegate example:

class MockDelegate: StartPresenterDelegate {

    var isUserIsAuthenticatedCalled = false
    var isUserNeedsToAuthenticateCalled = false

    func userIsAuthenticated() {
        isUserIsAuthenticatedCalled = true

    func userNeedsToAuthenticate() {
        isUserNeedsToAuthenticateCalled = true

then in your test try to do something like that:

func test_MyTest() {
    // init your class StartPresenter that you wanna test
    var presenter = StartPresenter(...)
    var mockDelegate = MockDelegate()
    presenter.delegate = mockDelegate

    // or change isUserIsAuthenticatedCalled and isUserNeedsToAuthenticateCalled if you expect another states

For different states you need different tests, for you it will be the easiest way to test delegate calling.


In this way you can confirm the unit test for delegates in Swift apps

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