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Ignore all errors in vimrc at vim startup

I am trying to create an Ansible script to set up my mac. One role is to set up vim. A first clone my dot-files into a local folder and symlink them to ~/. In my vimrc I use vundle to install extension. So I try to start vim to install all extensions like this:

- name: vim | Install vundle plugins
  shell: vim  +PluginInstall +qall

But when I start this, I get the error:

E185: Cannot find color scheme 'molokai'

Is it possible to suppress this error messages for the first startup?

You can silence the E185: Cannot find color scheme 'molokai' error in your .vimrc by setting silent! colorscheme molokai silent! colorscheme molokai then install with ie: vim -E -s -u ~/.vimrc +PlugInstall +qall .

Possibly you could split your vundler config into its own file vundler.vim , and on your first startup/ansible script you instead run vim -u vundler.vim (you can make it run :VundleInstall or whatever else would be required via some commandline flags too, -E ?).

Then in your regular vimrc you just source vundler.vim for your regular day to day usage.

I had the same issue. The way I solved this, was by using the stdin argument of the shell module. I'm passing a new line at stdin .

My task looks like this

- name: "Install plugins"
  shell: vim +PluginInstall +qall
      stdin: "\n"

You might be able to use --clean arg to get around those startup warnings/errors. Once you're inside vim, if you send a second command, it will pass over those warnings/errors.

This worked for me: vim --clean '+source ~/.vimrc' +PluginInstall +qall

(I know this thread is a little old but I came across this issue myself just now.)

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