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Batch changing titles of mkv files in multiple directories

Ok, I'm total new at this... Basically I'm using a tool call mkvpropedit to edit the title of my .mkv files My aim is to create a batch the goes through all sub directories and replace the mkv file titles with their file name.

I have made the following progress...

for %%A in (*.mkv) do "C:\mkvpropedit.exe" "%%A" --edit info --set title="%%A"

Issue with [1]: It works fine but does not affect all sub directories and I would have to use the batch in all the sub directories one by one which will be time consuming.

for /R "C:\whatever" %%I in (*mkv) do "C:\whatever\mkvpropedit.exe" "%%I" --edit info --set title="%%I"

Issue here, It affects all sub directories but my .mkv file titles end up with the entire directory pathway instead of the file name.

Could anyone help me here? Thanks a lot in advance.

BTW if anyone know how to set a long directory pathway into a short form to be use repeated throughout the script (eg. "C:\\whatever\\whatever...\\mkvpropeditexe into mkvpropedit", that would be helpful.

Whether you use %%~nI or %%~nxI (as suggested by Gerhard Barnard) depends on how you want the title: " n ame" only or " n ame.e x tension".

for how to set a long directory pathway into a short form to be use repeated throughout the script ; set a variable with the full path\\name and use the variable:

set "mkv=C:\whatever\mkvpropedit.exe"
for /R "C:\whatever" %%I in (*.mkv) do "%mkv%" "%%I" --edit info --set title="%%~nI"

Using the help from this thread, here's a little more elaborate batch script I developed:

rem This Bat file will take MKV filenames and apply them to MKV info titles

@echo off

rem Modify next line to path where mkvpropedit.exe  !!!!!!!!!

cd "C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix"

set /A errors1=0

rem Modify next line to path where MKV files are. This will also modify MKV's in subdirectories. !!!!!!!!!

for /R "X:\Move" %%X in (*.mkv) DO CALL :loopbody %%X

echo Total Errors = %errors1%



set title0=%*

set "title1=%title0:.mkv=%"

set "title2=%title1:\=" & set "title2=%"

rem The following two lines are to remove additional info I use in the filenames.

set "title3=%title2: 1080p=%"

set "title4=%title3: 720p=%"

set command1=mkvpropedit "%title0%" --edit info --set "title=%title4%"

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%command1%') do @set response1=%%a

echo %title2%

echo %response1%



if /i "%response1:~0,5%"=="Error" (set /A errors1=%errors1% + 1)


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