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mongo-go-driver projection array length

I'm trying to get a projection for the number of elements in a documents array.

    "foo": true,
    "nrOfBars": bson.M{ "$size": "$bars" },

bars is the fieldname of the array.
This query though always returns 0 instead of the arrays length.

How do I correctly query for the length of the array with the new mongo-go-driver?

You are trying to use an aggregation operator as part of the projection document. A projection document is for use in simple queries to only return certain fields.

What you want to use is the $project stage in an aggregation pipeline . This is different from a simple projection document, and you are able to use more complex aggregation operators such as $size . Here is some example code that I believe does what you would like:

ctx := context.TODO()

pipeline := bson.A{
            {"foo", 1},
            {"nrOfBars", bson.D{
                {"$size", "$bar"},

cur, err := col.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline)

This aggregation returns a cursor. To access the results you must iterate through the cursor as described in the cursor documentation .

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