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Access php array inside vue.js template

I'm trying to learn Laravel and vue.js and stumbled upon a problem. I have this Laravel model which contains a php method that fetches data from a database and puts into objects which are then put into an array. I would then like to access this array inside a vue.js component, but I dont know how I am supposed to do that.

  1. My Laravel model fetches data from the database and puts into objects in an array
  2. I can print out the array, without using vue, from my index.blade.php like this:

     @foreach ($data['hosts'] as $hostsKey => $hostsValue) <ul> @foreach ($hostsValue as $hostKey => $hostValue) <li>{!!$hostKey!!}: {!!$hostValue!!}</li> @endforeach </ul> @endforeach
  3. Is it possible to access it inside my vue component by putting this in my index.blade.php instead of the above example?

     <div id="app"> <hosts></hosts> </div>

    with the app.js looking something like this:

     Vue.component('host', require('./components/host.vue').default); const app = new Vue({ el: '#app' });

    and my host.vue looking like this:

     <template> <div> {{ hostData }} </div> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return{ hostData: /* MY PHP VARIABLE HERE */ } } } </script>

Started out trying vue today, so please don't be too hard on me.

You could modify your component to receive an array as a prop like :

        {{ hostData }}

    export default {


in blade template pass your $data['hosts'] through host-data prop :

<div id="app">
    <host :host-data="{{ json_encode($data['hosts']) }}"></host>

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