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Gatsby website displays 404 page for other github pages repos

I am using Github Pages and Netlify to host my site. It is a static site that uses Gatsby. I also am using a custom domain. Everything works fine for the main site. Index and all the other pages display as expected.

However, I have other repos that use github pages, that I set to also use my domain. When the link is clicked to open the project page, it instead goes to my websites 404 page. When I use the default url that github pages gives the website for the project loads fine.

There are some ways to solve this, but depend on your use case and the way you want to feed up your links.

Subdomain Solution

Have your GitHub pages subdomain for the pages



Make a CNAME entry in your DNS for the mysub name and give it a value of YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME.github.io replacing YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME with your username on github.

Redirects Solution

Include a _redirects file to the root of your build folder for Netlify to serve up the path(s) you want to proxy .


/mysub/*  https://username.github.io/:splat  200!

NOTE : In Gatsby, you place the redirects in static/_redirects . If you are using the gatsby-plugin-netlify in your Gatsby project, you could optionally setup the above in that configuration ( see readme ), but the above is still compatible.

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