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Aurelia ValidationRules.ensure using TypeScript

I had an Aurelia project that was created with ES6 and Babel and I'm trying to convert it over to TypeScript.

In one area of code, I had something like this:


import {ValidationRules} from 'aurelia-validation'
export class Tenant{
        Object.assign(this, tenantObject);

  .ensure(o => o.name).displayName("Tenant Name").required()

system.js (VM)

import {ValidationController} from 'aurelia-validation'
import {NewInstance} from 'aurelia-framework'
import {Tenant} from '../models/tenant'
import {BootstrapValidationRenderer} from 'elements/bootstrap-validation-renderer'

export class System{
    static inject = [DataService, NewInstance.of(ValidationController)]
    constructor(dataService, validationController){
       this.dataService = dataService
       this.validationController = validationController

       this.validationController.addRenderer(new BootstrapValidationRenderer())

    async activate() {
       let data = await this.dataService.getTenant(1);
       this.tenant = new Tenant(data);



<div class="form-group name" >
   <label for="pName" class="form-control-sm">Tenant Name</label>
   <input id="pName" type="text" autofocus class="form-control form-control-sm" value.bind="tenant.name & validate" />

However, I now get an error in tenant.ts stating that property 'name' does not exist on type {} .

I tried adding a name property to Tenant but that did not seem to help.

Is there a way to get around this?

It seems that aurelia-validation does not have typings. Hence you have to assert types like:

  .ensure((o: Tenant) => o.name).displayName("Tenant Name").required()

But before that you should add name property to Tenant class:

export class Tenant{
    public name: string = ''

        Object.assign(this, tenantObject);

PS fwiw even if aurelia-validation had typings, you would still have to assert type because it accepts class name in the very end of the methods chain.

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