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Client Cannot See JS Animations

I created simple slide up javascript animations on two elements on the homepage of my client's Squarespace site. You can see them here on the two text blocks below the homepage slider: https://www.ninedotdesign.co/

These animations I can see on my computer, 2 other computers in my office, and other computers external to my office. I'm in MA.

My client (lives in Arizona) says they cannot see them on their computer or 2 other computers in their region. They have confirmed they can see it on their cellphone which leads me to believe it's a DNS issue.

Any idea why they might not be seeing this animation?

This is most likely a CDN issue with Squarespace. The endpoint that they are hitting hasn't propagated the changes that you've made to the website. Or it could be that they have cached data in their browser. Maybe ask them to try on another browser on their computer or to flush their cache.

在每个.js文件末尾的 ref 属性中添加一个带有任何随机数字或字母的问号以解决此问题,例如: src='...320/scripts/site-bundle.js?324'这会强制浏览器重新缓存

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